I am not going to sugarcoat it: as a college student, there is no good time for your grades to start slipping. Having a bad semester – or even just one terrible grade – can make your GPA plummet and put you at risk of losing scholarships, grants, and other financial aid. Moreover, if the low point of your academic career comes right before graduation? Well, let’s just say that things could get pretty ugly.
Failing a college class is typically viewed as the worst thing that can happen to a student. The truth of the matter, however, is that failing a college class does not have to be one’s worst nightmare.
There are a number of reasons why it is bad to fail a class in college. One of the main reasons is that it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and shame. Additionally, failing a college class can have a negative impact on one’s academic record and future opportunities. Furthermore, it can be very costly to retake a class that you have failed.
Sometimes, your life events can distract you from your studies, making you fail a class. If this has happened to you already or if you are afraid that it’s going to happen, then you should know what the consequences are.
When I was in high school, college wasn’t a reality for me. College was always something other people did-people that got better grades than I did, who played sports other than the one I played, and who were cheerleaders instead of on the other end of the spectrum as a dance team member.
My first thought when I moved into my dorm room was “I need to loft this bed.” Not just because I think lofts are adorable, but rather to give me extra storage space under the bed.